How I Came To Be Intentional

How I Came To Be Intentional

As a licensed psychotherapist I have worked with hundreds of people in individual, couples, and family therapy. While many of my clients received great success there was always one lingering question about what made transformation easier for some than others. The same applied to me as I had attained great results in some parts of my life while it took years to achieve it in other areas. I knew there was something more so I began to look beyond what I had learned in the educational and religious systems to which I was affiliated. Caveat, my spiritual upbringing is the foundation for who I am as an individual and my educational background has also served me well. Nonethesess, more than a decade ago I became a student of the law of attraction. I literally, happened to be home from work early one day due to an appointment, I walked in and turned on the television which happened to be on channel 8, and The Oprah Winfrey Show was on. At that moment she was saying that a book changed her life and it was based on “The Teachings of Abraham”. I believe it was the end of the show so I didn’t catch much else but I hurried to write down the name of the book and purchased it from Amazon shortly thereafter. I remember opening it and Based on the title I thought the information would be similar to what I had been taught in Sunday School. That’s when things got complicated because it had a somewhat religious tone to which I was familiar but it also explained the meaning behind so many scriptural references that I was quite intrigued. How is it that I had been around this information since I was born but had never heard it described with such clarity and seeming accuracy? Well I absorbed every drop dripped from the pages of that book and began to apply it. Considering that the language of the book seemed to run parallel to my own internal knowing it was not a challenge to wrap my mind around it at all. Before I knew it I had begun to apply affirmations, emotional freedom techniques, ho’oponoponopono, etc. much of which brought about desirable outcomes though not the true manifestations that I had been hoping for. Likewise as I added coaching to my private practice I could see successful outcomes with my clients; however, I inherently knew that there was still more. Hence the reason that I decided to offer you some simple steps to begin your own journey to transformation. There are some key elements to tapping into the field of unlimited potentiality and here I will share the ones that are simple and great to practice even when you are not seeking to transform anything in particular.

Be Mindful
Be Thankful
Be Intentional
To learn more about applying these practices with a group of other like-minded people check our website for upcoming Intentionare Circle Sessions.

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